600 LED Display Programs

600 LED Display Program No 1

rem    600_LED_DISPLAY.BAS used with 5 of the MPJA 18050-OP 120-LED matrices.

rem    The top row pins are connected together in 6 groups. The rest are in 2 groups

rem    Version with scrolling to the right at a speed controlled by the knob

#picaxe 08M

rem Port Connections

symbol RegClock    = 0        'Output register clock port of the 74HC595 shift register

symbol ShiftClock    = 1        'Shift clock port of the 74HC595 shift register

symbol Serinput    = 2        'Serial input port of the 74HC595 shift register 

symbol PotPort    = 4        'The port connected to the potentiometer wiper

rem variables            

symbol LeftRows    = bit0    '1 is rows 1 - 11 on left half of each bank lit

symbol RightRows    = bit1    '1 is rows 1 - 11 on right half of each bank lit

symbol Iter        = b1        'General-purpose volatile

symbol ColPos    = b2        'Values 1 - 6 are the columns, left to right in

rem                    'each half of each bank. 7 is all selected

symbol Bitpos    = b3        '0 - 7 is the bit position in Code for shifting

symbol Mask        = b4        'Used to determine the sign of each bit in shifting

symbol TopRow    = b5        'Values 1 - 5 are the colored LEDs on the top row

rem                    'from left to right, 7 is all on

symbol Code        = b6        'The 8-bit value sent to the display

symbol PotValue    = b7        'Analog value from the potentiometer

rem constants

symbol Speed    = 50        'Default main loop period


LOW RegClock    'The output latches of a 74HC595 are positive-edge triggered            '

LOW ShiftClock    'The shift clock of a 74HC595 is positive-edge triggered


FOR TopRow = 1 to 6        'Scroll the top row LED groups from left to right

    for ColPos = 1 to 5

        LET LeftRows = 0

        LET RightRows = 0

        GOSUB Shift595

        PAUSE PotValue

    next ColPos

next TopRow

FOR Iter = 0 to 4            'Repeat 5 times

    LET TopRow = 0

    for ColPos = 1 to 5    'Scroll the 5 left bars through the 5 left columns

        LET LeftRows = 1

        LET RightRows = 0

        GOSUB Shift595

        PAUSE PotValue

    next ColPos

    for ColPos = 1 to 5    'Scroll the 5 right bars through the 5 right columns

        LET LeftRows = 0

        LET RightRows = 1

        GOSUB Shift595

        PAUSE PotValue

    next ColPos

next Iter

goto main


READADC PotPort,PotValue            'Knob position

IF PotValue < 10 THEN                'Turn off all LEDs

    LET Code = 0

    LET PotValue = Speed

ELSEIF PotValue > 250 THEN            'Turn on all LEDs

    LET Code = 255

    LET PotValue = Speed

ELSE                            'Scroll at a rate determined by the knlb

    LET PotValue = 260 - PotValue

    LET Code = 2 * RightRows + LeftRows

    LET Code = 4 * TopRow + Code 

    LET Code = 32 * ColPos + Code 


FOR Bitpos = 0 TO 7

    LOOKUP Bitpos,(128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1),Mask

    LET Mask = Code & Mask 

     LOW Serinput

    IF Mask = 0 then Databitislow

    HIGH Serinput


    PULSOUT ShiftClock,10

NEXT Bitpos

PULSOUT RegClock,10


600 LED Display Program No 2

rem    600_LED_DISPLAY_2.BAS Used with 5 of the MPJA 18050-OP 120-LED matrices.

rem    The top row pins are connected together in 6 groups. The rest are in 2 groups

rem    Version with two-way scrolling and flashing, speed controlled by the knob

#picaxe 08M

rem Pin Connections

symbol RegClock    = 0        'Output latch clock pin of the 74HC595 shift register

symbol ShiftClock    = 1        'Shift clock pin of the 74HC595 shift register

symbol Serinput    = 2        'Serial input pin of the 74HC595 shift register 

symbol PotPort    = 4        'The pin connected to the potentiometer wiper

rem variables            

symbol LeftRows    = bit0    '1 is rows 1 - 11 on left half of each bank lit

symbol RightRows    = bit1    '1 is rows 1 - 11 on right half of each bank lit

symbol ScrollDir    = bit3    '1 is scroll bars towards the right, 0 to the left

symbol ScrollSet    = bit4    '1 selects the right half of rows 1-11 for scrolling

symbol Iter        = b1        'General-purpose volatile

symbol ColPos    = b2        'Values 1 - 6 are the columns, left to right in

rem                    'each half of each bank. 7 is all selected

symbol Bitpos    = b3        '0 - 7 is the bit position in Code for shifting

symbol Mask        = b4        'Used to determine the sign of each bit in shifting

symbol TopRow    = b5        'Values 1 - 5 selects one of the groups of colored LEDs

rem                    'on the top row, from left to right, 7 is all on

symbol Code        = b6        'The 8-bit value sent to the display from the 74HC595

symbol PotValue    = b7        'Analog value from the potentiometer

rem constants

symbol Speed    = 50        'Default main loop period


LOW RegClock    'The output latches of a 74HC595 are positive-edge triggered            '

LOW ShiftClock    'The shift clock of a 74HC595 is positive-edge triggered


LET LeftRows = 0

LET RightRows = 0

FOR TopRow = 1 to 6        'Scroll the top row LED groups from left to right

    for ColPos = 1 to 5

        GOSUB Shift595

    next ColPos

next TopRow

rem Now scroll the bars 5 times from left to right

LET TopRow = 0

FOR Iter = 0 to 4            'Repeat 5 times

    LET ScrollDir = 1

    LET ScrollSet = 0

    GOSUB scrollRows

    LET ScrollSet = 1

    GOSUB scrollRows

next Iter

rem Now scroll the bars 5 times from right to left

FOR Iter = 0 to 4            'Repeat 5 times

    LET ScrollDir = 0

    LET ScrollSet = 1

    GOSUB scrollRows

    LET ScrollSet = 0

    GOSUB scrollRows

next Iter

rem Now bling all LEDs 5 times

FOR Iter = 0 to 4            'Repeat 5 times

    LET LeftRows = 0

    LET RightRows = 0

    LET TopRow = 0

    LET ColPos = 0

    GOSUB Shift595

    LET LeftRows = 1

    LET RightRows = 1

    LET TopRow = 7

    LET ColPos = 7

    GOSUB Shift595

next Iter

goto main

scrollRows:                'Scroll the bars through the columns

IF ScrollSet = 0 THEN        'Scroll the left rows

    LET LeftRows = 1

    LET RightRows = 0

ELSE                    'Scroll the right rows

    LET LeftRows = 0

    LET RightRows = 1


IF ScrollDir = 0 THEN        'Scroll right to left

    FOR ColPos = 5 TO 1 STEP -1    

        GOSUB Shift595

    NEXT ColPos

ELSE                    'Scroll left to right

    FOR ColPos = 1 TO 5 

        GOSUB Shift595

    NEXT ColPos




READADC PotPort,PotValue            'Knob position

IF PotValue < 10 THEN                'Turn off all LEDs

    LET Code = 0

    LET PotValue = Speed

ELSE                            'Scroll at a rate determined by the knlb

    LET PotValue = 257 - PotValue

    LET Code = 2 * RightRows + LeftRows

    LET Code = 4 * TopRow + Code 

    LET Code = 32 * ColPos + Code 


FOR Bitpos = 0 TO 7

    LOOKUP Bitpos,(128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1),Mask

    LET Mask = Code & Mask 

     LOW Serinput

    IF Mask = 0 then Databitislow

    HIGH Serinput


    PULSOUT ShiftClock,10

NEXT Bitpos

PULSOUT RegClock,10

PAUSE PotValue


600 LED Display Program No 3

rem    600_LED_DISPLAY_2.BAS Used with 5 of the MPJA 18050-OP 120-LED matrices.

rem    The top row pins are connected together in 6 groups. The rest are in 2 groups

rem    Random version with speed controlled by the knob

#picaxe 08M

rem Pin Connections

symbol RegClock    = 0        'Output latch clock pin of the 74HC595 shift register

symbol ShiftClock    = 1        'Shift clock pin of the 74HC595 shift register

symbol Serinput    = 2        'Serial input pin of the 74HC595 shift register 

symbol PotPort    = 4        'The pin connected to the potentiometer wiper

rem variables            

symbol LowByte    = b0

symbol HighByte    = b1

symbol RandVal    = w0

symbol Iter        = b2        'General-purpose volatile

symbol Mask        = b3        'Used to determine the sign of each bit in shifting

symbol Code        = b4        'The 8-bit value sent to the display from the 74HC595

symbol PotValue    = b5

symbol DivVal    = b6

symbol BitPos    = b7

rem constants

symbol Speed    = 50        'Default main loop period


LOW RegClock    'The output latches of a 74HC595 are positive-edge triggered            '

LOW ShiftClock    'The shift clock of a 74HC595 is positive-edge triggered


FOR Iter = 0 to 3            '

    Random Randval

    Lookup Iter,(1,8,32,128),DivVal

    LET Code = RandVal/DivVal

    GOSUB Shift595    

next Iter

goto main


READADC PotPort,PotValue            'Knob position

IF PotValue < 10 THEN                'Turn off all LEDs

    LET Code = 0

    LET PotValue = Speed

ELSE                            'Scroll at a rate determined by the knob

    LET PotValue = 257 - PotValue


FOR Bitpos = 0 TO 7

    LOOKUP Bitpos,(128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1),Mask

    LET Mask = Code & Mask 

     LOW Serinput

    IF Mask = 0 then Databitislow

    HIGH Serinput


    PULSOUT ShiftClock,10

NEXT Bitpos

PULSOUT RegClock,10

PAUSE PotValue
