8VCharge Control Picaxe Basic Program

The inputs to the program are the battery voltage and current. The outputs are the pass transistor base current and the three-color LED. The base current is controlled by the pulse-width modulated (PWM) duty cycle. This is limited to restrict the collector current to between 5 and 500 MA. Note that this relationship is by test, not the transistor specification.
The current measurement is averaged after 64 accumulated readings because it could fluctuate. Periodically charging is shut off for a short time and the discharge current, if any, measured. The battery voltage is measured then to determine the LED color, and the charging current to which is added the discharge current.

' 8VCharge Control.bas .

' It contains an 2-cell 16750 Li Ion battery and charger.

' It has an input5.5 x 2.1 coax power socket

' and an output cord with 5.5 mm x 2.1 mm coax power plug connected directly to the battery

' It has a three-color lED to indicate battery voltage

' John Saunders 12/26/2022

#picaxe 14M

' Ports

symbol RED      = 2    'Output 2, low turns on the red color of the lED - needs charging

symbol BLUE     = 3    'Output 3, low turns on the blue color of the lED 

symbol GREEN    = 4    'Output 4, low turns on the green color of the lED - charged

symbol PWMPort  = 2    'PWM output controls input current: Current = 10.12 * Dity Cycle - 112 MA (Period = 25)

symbol CurrPort = 4    'Input 4   Measures the Battery Current, Charge or Discharge = (Reading - 376)/0.6 MA

symbol BattPort = 0    'Input 0   Measures the battery voltage:; V = Count/77 - .33



symbol Discharged   = 560    'Battery voltage count with (1.1 V/cell)

symbol Charging     = 608    'The battery voltage count when charging up (7.6V)

symbol BattChged    = 640    'Battery is fully charged (8.0 V)

'Current elative to zero

symbol ZeroCrrent   = 24128            'No load or charge 64 * 377

rem  MAper10PWM     = .64    '32/5 MA per unit PWM

'Duty Cycle

symbol MinDutyCycle = 20      'Enough to run the electronics and trickle charge the battery

symbol GenDutyCycle = 35    '250 MA

symbol MaxDutyCycle = 70      '500 MA


symbol OldColor     = b0

symbol Color        = b1    '0 = all off, 2 = red, 3 = blue, 4 = green

symbol CurrCount    = b2    '0-59

symbol DutyCycle    = b3    '0umber between 0 and DCLimit - 1; higher is greater battery voltage

symbol AnalogValue  = W3

symbol ChgCurr      = W4      'Desired charging current

symbol Volts      = W5    'The ADC output 10-bit

symbol Current      = W6    'Current Values are averaged over 64 readings





LET CurrCount = 0

LET OldColor = 0

LET DutyCycle = MinDutyCycle

PWMOUT PWMPort,25,DutyCycle


rem First get the load current

PWMOUT 2,25,20

PAUSE 2500

LET Current = 0

FOR CurrCount = 0 TO 63

    READADC10 CurrPort,AnalogValue

    LET Current = Current + AnalogValue


SERTXD("Current = ")

IF Current < ZeroCrrent THEN

    LET Current = ZeroCrrent - Current



    LET Current = Current - ZeroCrrent


LET Current = Current/64

LET DutyCycle = Current*5/32        'Offset for load current

rem Now get the voltage

READADC10 BattPort,Volts

rem Get the desired pwm

IF Volts > BattChged THEN

    LET DutyCycle = DutyCycle + MinDutyCycle    


IF Volts <= BattChged AND Volts > Charging THEN

    LET DutyCycle = DutyCycle + GenDutyCycle    


IF Volts <= Charging THEN

    LET DutyCycle = DutyCycle + MaxDutyCycle    


IF DutyCycle > MaxDutyCycle THEN

    LET DutyCycle = MaxDutyCycle 


IF DutyCycle < MinDutyCycle THEN

    LET DutyCycle = MinDutyCycle 


rem Set the LED    

IF Volts > BattChged THEN

    LET Color = BLUE        


IF Volts <= BattChged AND Volts > Discharged THEN

    LET Color = GREEN    


IF Volts <= Discharged THEN

    LET Color = RED


PWMOUT 2,25,DutyCycle


SERTXD(",Voltage = ")


SERTXD(",Duty Cycle = ")


IF Color <> OldColor THEN




    LOW Color

    LET OldColor = Color


PAUSE 60000

GOTO main