
Alpha Clock Keyboard Operation

The 9 pages are selected by the F1-F9 buttons:

ESC   Current time, day, date and temperature.

F1       Display fixed messages #1 pre-programmed in the EEPROM

F2       Display fixed messages #2 pre-programmed in the EEPROM

F3       Display fixed messages #3 pre-programmed in the EEPROM

F4       Display fixed messages #4 pre-programmed in the EEPROM

F5       Display the variable message stored in the DS1307 RTC.

            Setting Pages have a blinking cursor moved with the left and right buttons.

            and the indicated value can be adjusted by the up and down buttons.

F6       Clock setting: Hour, Minute, Day (1=Sunday), Month (January=1), Date and Year.

F7       The 6 timers are selected by the number buttons, and the number is displayed.

            The setting fields are:Hour, Minute, Rate, Rate Parameter, Type, Type Parameter.

F8       Edit the variable message


Daily timer Rate codes:

Q = Every quarter hour. The parameter (1) may limit the active hours, or to daylight (2-15).

H = Every hour at the timer minute setting, paramerers as for Q.

D = Every day at the timer hour and minute settings. No parameter.

W = A specific day in the parameter (1=Sunday) at the timer hour and minute settings.

M = As for D but only for the date in the seconds date setting.

            The parameter is 0 for all months, OR the selected month


Daily timer Type codes:


P = Change page. 0-5 parameter.

S = Make a sound selected by the parameter (0-7).

Hex (2A - 7F) = Send an ASCII coded RF transmission.


Letter Buttons perform immediate actions::


Q                    Turns rear receptacle ON

W                   Turns rear receptacle OFF