Gas Sensor Sketch

Definitions and Declarations


   GasSensor.ino is used to display and transmi

   conentration of CO,CH4 and LPG.

   It generates visual and audible alarms if 

   excessive concentrations are detected.

   It includes the following items:

   Spark Fum Arduino Pro Mini microcontroller.

   LCD display with parallel interface (4-bit)

   DS3231 Real-time clock with I2C interface.

   MQ-9 gas sensor with switched heater voltages.

   TMP036 temperature sensor.

   LM385-2.5 reference voltage diode.

   Backlight control from CDS photocell 

   with quasi-log compressor

    which includes LM385-2.5 & LM385-1.2 diodes.

   LM317 voltage regulator using a resistor pack.

   PCF8574 8-port I2C expander connected to a r-g-b LED 

   and Adafruit FX OGG Audio Codec

   LM 2040 Audio power amplifier.

   FS1000A 433MHZ RF transmitter module, 

   requires adapter circuit fot Arduino.

   Push buttons with analog encoder using a resistor pack.

   RTC Hour and Minute adjustments

   John Saunders 12/4/2021, 6/4/2022 leading zero restored


#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>     //For the transmitter

#include <ds3231.h>             //RTC

#include <Wire.h>               //For the RTC and the port expander

#include "jm_PCF8574.h"         //Port expander

#define PCF_ADDR 0x27

jm_PCF8574 pcf(PCF_ADDR);

#define INIT_TIMEIN 10      //Into Date/Time setting page

#define INIT_TIMEOUT 10     //Exit from Date/Time setting page

// pins

const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2;

LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

const int pc = A6, gas = A3, temp = A2, ref = A1, but = A0;

const int bl = 10, htr = 13, txDr = 6, txPulse = 7, Mute = 8;

// measured values

const float refVoltsC = 2472;   // for degree C , mv, measured ref voltage

const float refVoltsF = 4445.6; // for degree F, mv

const float Rl = 8660.0;      // Load resistor measured value

const float Ro = 1777.0;      // At end of 2 days cycling the 

// gas sensor heater using 1.5V value to get 10.

// The measured value has been divided by 10 according to online instructions

// *************** Adjust RTC minutes and Hours *************************

ts t; //ts is a struct findable in ds3231.h

Setup and Loop

void setup() {

  pinMode(htr, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(htr, HIGH);   //5V

  pinMode(txDr, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(txDr, HIGH);

  pinMode(txPulse, OUTPUT);


  digitalWrite(txPulse, LOW);

  lcd.begin(20, 2);

  Wire.begin(); //start i2c (required for connection to the clock chip)




  lcd.createChar(0, degSym);

  pcf.begin();                // returns false if not connected

  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i ++) {

    pcf.pinMode(i, OUTPUT);


  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {

    pcf.digitalWrite(i, 1);


  pcf.digitalWrite(3, 0);

  for (int i = 4; i < 8; i ++) {

    pcf.digitalWrite(i, 1);


  pcf.digitalWrite(2, 0);


  //  t.wday = 0;

  //  DS3231_set(t);


void loop() {

  int tempValF, gasVal, pcVal, intensity;

  // int tempValC;            // Only the F value is transmitted

  static int secs = 0;

  static int oldSec = 1;

  static int timeIn = INIT_TIMEIN;

  static int timeOut = INIT_TIMEOUT;

  static int page = 0;

  static boolean tempC = false;

  float tempDegF, tempDegC;

  float hiGasRatio ;

  float scratch;

  static float loGasRatio = 10.0;

  byte butCode;

  byte nextLoc;

  char alarmLevel;


  butCode = getButID();         // Buttons


  DS3231_get(&t);               // Current time & date


  if (oldSec != t.sec) {        // Items run at 1 Hz

    oldSec = t.sec;

    if (timeIn > 0) {           // Adjustment page in and out delay



    if (timeOut > 0) {




    tempDegF = getTemp('F');    // Temperature measurement

    tempValF = (int)tempDegF;

    tempDegC = getTemp('C');

    // tempValC = (int)tempDegC;    Only the F value is transmitted


    pcVal = analogRead(pc);     // Light measurement

    intensity = 375 - (5 * pcVal / 8);

    if (intensity < 0) {        // PWM generation for thedisplay backlight

      analogWrite(bl, 0);


    else {

      if (intensity > 250) {    // Upper limit not reached

        analogWrite(bl, 250);


      else {

        analogWrite(bl, intensity);



 // Operation is cyclic at 150 seconds period


    alarmLevel = (char)(execAlarm(loGasRatio) + 'A');

    switch (secs) {

      case 1:

        digitalWrite(htr, LOW);   // 5V


      case 59:

        hiGasRatio = getRsDivRo();

      case 60:

        digitalWrite(htr, HIGH); // 1.5V


      case 75:

        nextLoc = storeVal(tempValF, 11, 1);

        pcVal = analogRead(pc);

        nextLoc = storeVal(pcVal, nextLoc, 0);

        transmit('z', nextLoc);


      case 149:

        loGasRatio = getRsDivRo();


      case 150:

        secs = 0;

        scratch = 1000 * hiGasRatio;

        gasVal = (unsigned int)(scratch);

        nextLoc = storeVal(gasVal, 13, 3);

        scratch = 1000 * loGasRatio;

        gasVal = (unsigned int)(scratch);

        nextLoc = storeVal(gasVal, nextLoc, 3);

        charBuffer[11] = alarmLevel;

        charBuffer[12] = ',';

        transmit('n', nextLoc);





  // Page view control


  switch (page) {

    case 0:                       // Time&Date, Gas Sensor Rs/Ro


      if (butCode == 3) {

        page = 1;


      if (butCode == 1) {

        page = 2;

        timeIn = INIT_TIMEIN;


      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);


      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);


      lcd.print(loGasRatio, 3);

      lcd.print(" High=");

      lcd.print(hiGasRatio, 3);


    case 1:                         //Temperature and Light-Sec

      if (butCode == 1) {

        page = 2;

        timeIn = INIT_TIMEIN;


      if (butCode == 2)  {

        tempC = true;


      if (butCode == 3)  {

        tempC = false;


      if (butCode == 4) {

        page = 0;



      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

      lcd.print(" temp=");

      if (tempC == false) {

        lcd.print((tempDegF / 10), 1);




      else {

        lcd.print((tempDegC / 10), 1);




      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);


      lcd.print(pcVal, DEC);

      lcd.print(" secs=");

      lcd.print(secs, DEC);


    case 2:

      if (butCode == 3) {

        page = 1;


      if (butCode == 4) {

        page = 0;


      if ((butCode == 0) && (timeIn == 0)) {

        page = 3;

        timeOut = INIT_TIMEOUT;



      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

      lcd.print("Settings Countdown");

      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

      lcd.print("  Abort    ");

      lcd.print(timeIn, DEC);


    case 3:               // Minute and hour adjustments

      if ((butCode == 0) && (timeOut == 0)) {

        page = 0;



      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);


      lcd.print(t.hour, DEC);

      lcd.print("    Min=");

      lcd.print(t.min, DEC);

      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

      lcd.print("Up-Down    Up-Down ");


      if (butCode > 0) {


        timeOut = INIT_TIMEOUT;







void adjustTD(int code) {

  switch (code) {

    case 4:

      if (t.hour < 23) {



      else {

        t.hour = 0;



    case 3:

      if (t.hour > 0) {



      else {

        t.hour = 23;



    case 2:

      if (t.min < 59) {



      else {

        t.min = 0;



    case 1:

      if (t.min > 0) {



      else {

        t.min = 59;





  while (getButID() > 0) {




// ********************** Displaying *****************************

const char weekdays[25] = {"SUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN"};    // 0(SUN) through 6(SAT,SUN is also 7)

void displayTimeDate(void) {






  lcd.print(" ");


  lcd.print(" ");


  lcd.print(" ");



void displayWeekday(void) {

  char c;

  byte indx;

  for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++)  {

    indx = (3 * (t.wday)) + i;

    c = weekdays[indx];




const char months[40] = {"DECJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJLYAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC"}; // 1 - 12

void displayMonth(void) {

  char c;

  byte indx;

  for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++)  {

    indx = (3 * t.mon) + i;

    c = months[indx];




byte degSym[8] = {









// *******************  Hardware and Sensors *****************************

byte getButID(void) {

  int butVal;

  int testVal = 127;

  byte code = 0;

  butVal = analogRead(but);

  while (butVal > testVal) {


    testVal += 255;


  return code;


int getTemp(char mode) {

  float deg;

  int refCt = analogRead(ref);

  int tempCt = analogRead(temp);

  if (mode == 'C') {

    deg = ((refVoltsC * tempCt) / refCt) - 500;


  else {

    deg = ((refVoltsF * tempCt) / refCt) - 480;


  return (int)deg;


float getRsDivRo(void) {    // returns rs/ro

  int gasVal;

  float gasRatio;

  gasVal = analogRead(gas);

  gasRatio = (Rl * ((1024.0 / (float)gasVal) - 1.0)) / Ro;

  return gasRatio;


/********************** Alarms ******************


            Hardware Mapping

  PCF8571 Code               0     1     2     3     4      5     6     7

  PCF8571 Active level       0     0     0     1     0      0     0     0

  PCF8571 Pin                4     5     6    16     11    12     13   14

  LED Color               greeen  blue  red

  FX OGG File nn                              T02    01    04     03   00.ogg


typedef struct {

  float testLevel;      // Rs/Ro value to compare the measurement against

  byte  colorLED;       // 0-2 if on

  byte  flash;          // LED flashes if 1

  byte  portID;         // port 3-7 if on

  byte  period;         // continues at this rate

} levels_t;

// This is the heart of this project. 

// The FX board is mountable in OSX, files need renaming to T(##),ogg

const levels_t levelList[7] =   {

//     > 2.3               1.8-2.5         1.5-1.8                

  {2.5, 3, 1, 0, 0}, {2.5, 0, 1, 0, 0}, {1.8, 0, 0, 3, 4}, 

//     1.1-1.5            0.8-1.1          0.6-0.8              0.4-0.6

  { 1.5, 1, 1, 7, 3}, {1.1, 1, 0, 6, 9}, {0.8, 2, 1, 4, 4}, {0.6, 2, 0, 5, 9}


const byte colorAction[12] = {0, 1, 1, 1,  1, 0, 1, 1,  1, 1, 0, 1};

byte execAlarm(float level) {

  int index = 0;

  byte portC, portF;

  static int ct = 0;

  byte blinkLED;

  while (level < levelList[index].testLevel) {



  blinkLED = levelList[index].flash & (ct & 1);

  // Operates the rgb LED colorLED

  portC = levelList[index].colorLED;

  if (portC > 2) {

    portC = 3;


  pcf.digitalWrite(0, colorAction[portC] | blinkLED);

  pcf.digitalWrite(1, colorAction[portC + 4] | blinkLED);

  pcf.digitalWrite(2, colorAction[portC + 8] | blinkLED);

  // Operates the sound codec

  if (ct < levelList[index].period) {



  else {  // Makes sounds

    ct = 0;

    portF = levelList[index].portID;

    if ((portF > 2) && (portF < 8) && (digitalRead(Mute) != 0)) {

      pcf.digitalWrite(portF, (portF == 3));   // port 3 = pin 16; is inverted


      pcf.digitalWrite(portF, (portF != 3));



  return index;


char charBuffer[47] = {"14L1776n,F,?, "};

// ************************** Storing ****************

byte storeVal(unsigned int txData, int loc, int dp) {

  int rem = txData / 10000;

  // if (rem > 0) {

    charBuffer[loc++] = rem + '0';

  // }

  rem = txData % 10000;

  charBuffer[loc++] = rem / 1000 + '0';

  if (dp == 3) {

    charBuffer[loc++] = '.';


  txData = rem % 1000;

  charBuffer[loc++] = txData / 100 + '0';

  if (dp == 2) {

    charBuffer[loc++] = '.';


  rem = txData % 100;

  charBuffer[loc++] = rem / 10 + '0';

  if (dp == 1) {

    charBuffer[loc++] = '.';


  charBuffer[loc++] = rem % 10 + '0';

  charBuffer[loc++] = ',';

  return loc;


// ********************* Transmitting ****************

SoftwareSerial serial1 = SoftwareSerial(8, txDr);    // The 8 is jjust a dummy

void transmit(char key, byte len) {   // Points to the first checksum character

  byte cksum = 0;

  byte ckhex;

  charBuffer[7] = key;

  charBuffer[9] = '<' + len - 12;

  for (int i = 11; i < (len - 1); i++) {

    cksum += charBuffer[i];


  ckhex = cksum / 16;

  if (ckhex < 10) {

    charBuffer[len++] = ckhex + '0';


  else {

    charBuffer[len++] = ckhex + '7';


  ckhex = cksum & 0x0F;

  if (ckhex < 10) {

    charBuffer[len++] = ckhex + '0';


  else {

    charBuffer[len++] = ckhex + '7';


  charBuffer[len++] = 0x0d;

  charBuffer[len++] = 0x0a;

  charBuffer[len++] = 0;

  digitalWrite(txPulse, HIGH);


  digitalWrite(txPulse, LOW);


  serial1.write(charBuffer, len);
