OLED Portable Display OLED Basic Version

OLED Portable Display Picaxe Basic Declarations

#rem OLED Portable Display.bas 

This is a hand-held OLED display receiving data from the 

Mobile Logger, the Solar Transmitter.and the Alpha LED Clock

John Saunders

10/11/2018, 1/14/2018 changed line 305 because of negative altitude


#picaxe 14M2

rem Connections

symbol DispRst            = B.1

symbol ButtonLeft      = pinB.2

symbol ButtonRight     = pinB.5

symbol Rcvr_In         = C.0

symbol VoltPort           = C.4

symbol TP             = C.1

symbol Int_Port           = pinC.2

rem Dedicated I2C pins: SCL = b.3, SDA = B.4

rem Interrupt only variables

symbol        Msg_Start     = b1

symbol        Plen        = b2

symbol    Key_Code     = b3

symbol    ChckHex     = b4

symbol    ChckSum      = b5

symbol    Msg_End         = b6

symbol     I_tmp         = b7

symbol    MsgLoc     = b8

#rem Global variables

Pages:0=Battery Volts,1=Alitude&Logger Volts,2=Logger temperature&humidity

3=Outside Solar Current and battery volts,4= outside temperature&humidity



symbol    Page         = b10        

rem flags

symbol    Pressed     = bit0

symbol    NewData     = bit1

symbol    ButtonEvent     = bit2

symbol    Row         = bit3        '0 = top, 1 = bottom


rem Pointer Vatiables

symbol    DataAddr        = b14

symbol    ConfigAddr     = b15

symbol    MemAddr     = b16

symbol    TableAddr     = b17      

rem Local Variables

symbol    Loop_Count    = b19

symbol    Scratch     = b20

symbol    DecData     = b21

symbol    Indx         = b22        'Used for iteration in top-level subroutines

symbol    Iter         = b23        'Used for iteration in subroutines called from loops

symbol    Limit         = b24

symbol    Column     = b25

symbol    BattVolt     = w13

rem constants

symbol  MsgBase        = 210

rem Fixed strings which will be partly overwritten by values

TABLE    0,("Batt V Gate Door")         'Row 0, Page 0

TABLE   16,("0.00 V          ")         'Row 1, Page 0 

TABLE   32,("Alt&Logger Volts")        'Row 0, Page 1      

TABLE   48,("00000  00.00V   ")        'Row 1, Page 1

TABLE   64,("Logger Temp&Hum ")        'Row 0, Page 2                

TABLE   80,("000.0",$80,"F  000%   ")    'Row 1, Page 2

TABLE   96,("Solar Curr&Bat V")        'Row 0, Page 3

TABLE  112,("000 MA 000 V    ")        ;Row 1, Page 3

TABLE  128,("Outside Temp&Hum")           'Row 0, Page 4 

TABLE  144,("000",$80,"F 000%      ")     'Row 1, Page 4            

TABLE  160,("Master Time&Date")        'Row 0, Page 5               

TABLE  176,("HH:MM MO/DD     ")        'Row 1, Page 5            

#rem Memory Map (28 - 255 total) MSB first, all in ASCII

: 28,  

30= Battery Volts ("0.00")

34= Altitude ("00000", 2nd may be "-"),49 Logger supply volts ("00.00")

39= Logger Temperature ("000.0"), 44= Logger Humidity ("000")

60= Solar Current ("000"),63=Solar Battery Voltage ("0.00")

54= Outside temperature("000"),57=Outside Humidity ("000")

67= Date("00/00"), 72=Time("00:00")

80= Gate("    " or "OPEN" or "SHUT")  Used on Row 1 of Page 0 

84= Garage Door ("    " or "DOWN" or "UP  ") Used on Row 1 of Page 0

these 2 also in positions 14 & 15 of pages 1-5 as " ","O","S", "D", "U"

Received messages: 210 - 238 (ASCII, no decimal points (MS first),         

rem Variable coonfiguration tables. Indexed by Page (Page 0 is separate)

rem Each entry has three numbers for each of 2 variables.

The first is the memory address ddress, the second the number of characters, the third is the column of the MSB


DATA   0,(30,4,0,80,9,7)        'Page 0 lower variables

DATA   6,(34,5,0,48,5,7)        'Page 1 lower variables

DATA  12,(39,5,0,44,3,9)        'Page 2 lower variables

DATA  18,(60,3,0,63,4,7)        'Page 3 lower variables

DATA  24,(54,3,0,57,3,6)        'Page 4 lower variables

DATA  30,(72,5,0,67,5,6)        'Page 5 lower variables

OLED Portable Display Picaxe Init and Main

rem ------------------------------------ Execution Code --------------------------------------



HI2CSETUP I2CMASTER,$78,i2cfast,i2cbyte            'The OLED Display

GOSUB InitDisp

FOR Scratch = 28 TO 76

    POKE Scratch, "0"


FOR Scratch = 80 TO 88

    POKE Scratch, " "



LET Page = 1                            'Altitude 11/6/2018

LET Loop_Count = 0

GOSUB Refresh


IF ButtonLeft = 0 THEN

    IF Page > 0 THEN

        DEC Page


        LET Page = 5


    LET ButtonEvent = 1



IF  ButtonRight = 0 THEN

    IF Page < 5 THEN

        INC Page


        LET Page = 0


    LET ButtonEvent = 1


IF ButtonEvent = 1 THEN


    GOSUB Refresh            'The background     

    GOSUB Update            'The variable content

    DO WHILE  ButtonLeft = 0 OR ButtonRight = 0

         PAUSE 10


    LET ButtonEvent = 0

    SETINT %00000100,%00000100    'Interrupt when Int_Port high. 


    GOSUB GetVolts


    PAUSE 10



OLED Portable Display Picaxe Sub-Programs

rem ------------------------------------ Top level subroutines --------------------------------------

InitDisp:                                        'From the display datasheet 


HI2COUT (0,0x2A);  //function set (extended command set)  

HI2COUT (0,0x71);  //function selection A  

HI2COUT ($40,0x5C);  // data(0x5C) = enable regulator (5V I/O)  

HI2COUT (0,0x28);  //function set (fundamental command set)  

HI2COUT (0,0x08);  //display off, cursor off, blink off  

HI2COUT (0,0x2A);  //function set (extended command set)  

HI2COUT (0,0x79);  //OLED command set enabled  

HI2COUT (0,0xD5);  //set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency  

HI2COUT (0,0x70);  //set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency  

HI2COUT (0,0x78);  //OLED command set disabled 

HI2COUT (0,0x08);  //extended function set (2-lines) 

HI2COUT (0,0x06);  //COM SEG direction  

HI2COUT (0,0x72);  //function selection B  

HI2COUT ($40,0x00);  //ROM CGRAM selection  A

HI2COUT (0,0x2A);  //function set (extended command set)  

HI2COUT (0,0x79);  //OLED command set enabled  

HI2COUT (0,0xDA);  //set SEG pins hardware configuration  

HI2COUT (0,0x00);  //set SEG pins hardware configuration  

HI2COUT (0,0xDC);  //function selection C  

HI2COUT (0,0x00);  //function selection C  

HI2COUT (0,0x81);  //set contrast control  

HI2COUT (0,0x7F);  //set contrast control  

HI2COUT (0,0xD9);  //set phase length  

HI2COUT (0,0xF1);  //set phase length  

HI2COUT (0,0xDB);  //set VCOMH deselect level  

HI2COUT (0,0x40);  //set VCOMH deselect level 

HI2COUT (0,0x78);  //OLED command set disabled  

HI2COUT (0,0x28);  //function set (fundamental command set) 

HI2COUT (0,0x01);  //clear display  

HI2COUT (0,0x80);  //set DDRAM address to 0x00  

HI2COUT (0,0x0C);  //display ON 



rem Measure and store Battery voltage



READADC10 VoltPort,BattVolt

LET BattVolt =  4 * BattVolt + 5 / 10

LET BattVolt = BattVolt // 1000

LET Scratch = BattVolt/100 + "0"

POKE 30,Scratch

POKE 31,"."

LET BattVolt = BattVolt // 100

LET Scratch = BattVolt / 10    + "0"

POKE 32,Scratch

LET Scratch    = BattVolt // 10 + "0"

POKE 33,Scratch


Refresh:            'Writes the fixed strings to the buffers when the Page changes

FOR Row = 0 TO 1

    LET DecData = Row * $40 + $80

    HI2COUT 0,(DecData)

    LET Scratch = 2 * Page + Row 

    LET DecData = 16 * Scratch    

    FOR Indx = 0 TO 15

        LET TableAddr = DecData + Indx

        READTABLE TableAddr,Scratch

        Hi2COUT $40,(Scratch)




Update:                        'Writes the numerical information to the display

FOR Indx = 0 TO 1                    'Two vatiables per page lower row        '

    LET Scratch = 6*Page            'The configuration table entry for the page variables

    LET ConfigAddr = 3 * Indx + Scratch

    READ ConfigAddr,DecData,Limit, Column

    LET Scratch = $C0 + Column

    HI2COUT 0,(Scratch)            'Set cursor to MSD columb        

    FOR Iter = 1 TO Limit

        LET MemAddr = DecData + Iter - 1

        PEEK MemAddr, Scratch            

        Hi2COUT $40,(Scratch)



rem Put event markers at the end 2 columns of the lower line except for Page 0

IF Page <> 0 THEN

    HI2COUT 0,($CE)

    PEEK 80,Scratch

    Hi2COUT $40,(Scratch)

    PEEK 84,Scratch

    Hi2COUT $40,(Scratch)




LET bptr=MsgBase

LET Key_Code = "Z"

rem First gate is to reject short bursts

LET Plen =0

DO  WHILE Int_Port = 1        'Noise interrupts are nearly always shorter

    INC Plen


IF Plen < 10 OR Plen > 20 THEN End_Interrupt     'Minimises the time to recover from a noise interrupt

FOR I_tmp = 0 TO 5

    IF Int_Port = 1 THEN

        SERTXD ("Positive pulse=",#plen,",Low = ",#I_tmp,13,10)

        GOTO End_Interrupt



rem Second gate is to use a 7-character SERIN unlock code, min timeout is 60 ms


rem Input commands and message with length character, checksum and up t0 21 data characters, including included, but not enclosed,commas

SERIN [40,timeout],Rcvr_In,N2400_8,("14L1776"),Key_Code,I_tmp,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptrinc,@bptr


rem No timeout: Must be a Message

PEEK MsgBase, I_tmp               'The length code, 60 + number of data bytes between commas, including commas between fields

LET Msg_End = MsgBase - 59  + I_Tmp         'Address of last data character

LET Msg_Start = MsgBase + 2

rem Calculate the checksum of the received message

LET Chcksum = 0

FOR MsgLoc = Msg_Start TO Msg_End    'Sum of message bytes not including bracketing commas

    PEEK MsgLoc,ChckHex 

    LET ChckSum = ChckSum + ChckHex


rem Compare the calculated with the 2 received checksum characters, one at a time

LET ChckHex = ChckSum / 16                'Convert calculated checksum to first hax character

IF ChckHex  < 10 THEN

    LET ChckHex = ChckHex + "0"


    LET ChckHex = ChckHex + "7"


LET bptr = Msg_End + 2                  'Address of first checksun byte, which are in hex

LET I_tmp = @bptrinc                    'first Checksum character

IF ChckHex <> I_tmp THEN End_Interrupt

LET ChckHex = ChckSum & $F                'Convert calculated checksum to secong hax character

IF ChckHex  < 10 THEN

    LET ChckHex = Chckhex + "0"


    LET ChckHex = ChckHex + "7"


LET I_tmp = @bptr                 'second Checksum character

IF ChckHex <> I_tmp THEN End_Interrupt

rem Store the desired data values


LET NewData = 1


    CASE= "w"                 'Put the Mobile Logger data into memory at 34, no commas    

        LET bptr = 34        

        FOR MsgLoc = Msg_Start TO Msg_End

            PEEK MsgLoc,I_Tmp

            IF I_Tmp <> "," THEN            '12/14/2018 allow space and minus

                LET @bptrinc = I_Tmp

                IF bptr = 42 OR bptr = 50 THEN

                    LET @bptrinc = "."




    CASE "s"                 'Put the Solar Trnsmitter data into memory at 54

        LET bptr = 54

        FOR MsgLoc = Msg_Start TO Msg_End

            PEEK MsgLoc,I_Tmp

            IF I_Tmp >= "0" AND I_Tmp <= "9" THEN

                LET @bptrinc = I_Tmp

                IF bptr = 64 THEN

                    LET @bptrinc = "."




    CASE "t"                 'Put the time and date into memory at 67    

        LET bptr = 67    

        FOR MsgLoc = Msg_Start TO Msg_End

            PEEK MsgLoc,I_Tmp

            IF I_Tmp >= "0" AND I_Tmp <= "9" THEN

                LET @bptrinc = I_Tmp


                IF bptr = 69 THEN

                    LET @bptrinc = "/"


                IF bptr = 74 THEN

                    LET @bptrinc = ":"




    CASE "u"                'The garage fan control reports the position of the door    

        LET MsgLoc = MsgBase + 14

        PEEK MsgLoc,I_tmp    

        POKE 85,I_tmp

        IF I_tmp = "D" THEN

            POKE 86,"O","W","N"


            POKE 86,"P"," "," "


    CASE  "Q"                            'Gate open

        POKE 80,"O","P","E","N" 

    CASE  "B"

        POKE 80,"S","H","U","T"


    LET NewData = 0


LET Msg_End = MsgBase + 25

SERTXD (Key_Code,",")

FOR MsgLoc = Msg_Start TO Msg_End

    PEEK MsgLoc,I_tmp

    IF I_tmp < " " THEN EXIT

    SERTXD (I_tmp)


SERTXD (13,10)

IF NewData = 1 THEN

        GOSUB Update




LET bptr = MSGBase

FOR I_tmp = 0 TO 28

    LET @bptrinc = ":"


SETINT %00000100,%00000100    'Interrupt when Integrator high