Settings Menu

    The Settings page is accessed from the main page. It then navigates to pages for editing the RTC, changing between Standard and Daylight-Saving time, and user preferences.    

Adjusting The Clock

    Originally I used pstTt to get the time from the Real-Time Clock, which was set to Pacific Daylight Saving Time. This worked for several hours, but suddenly the display switched to Universal Time, 7 hours later. I gave up and changed to untTt, which always returned Universal Time.  The library has methods for automatically setting between DST and STD but instead I chose to implement a timezone variable, in hours.  It is stored in EEPROM  as 7 for PDST or 8 for PST.

    The procedure for editing the clock is as follows:

Conversion to local time locTt is by subtracting  timezone * 3600.

This is used for displaying except for editing,

To edit first a snapshot is copied of untTt as editTt.

The components of editTt are edited separately.

the timezone variable must be added when editing the hour.

* Pushing the “Store Changes” button sets editTt into the RTC.