Spa Thermostat Picaxe Basic Program

Declarations and Data


Thermostat.bas. This program is for the user temperature control interface for our spa. 

It is an improved replacement for the original mechanical thermostst which sets the desired temperature.

This has the same single output signal (Heat_Enabled - active low) since the control unit inside the spa is unchanged

Improved operation is possible due to an added input signal: a line to the heater provides

an indication of gas flowing.

The original thermostat measaured spa temperature using a bulb, tube, and bellows and a double throw microswitch.

This one uses a Dallas DX18B20 precision digital sensor..

The original control panel is unchanged: the control knob is now on a potentiometer.

An improved user indication results from substituting a tri-color for the red LED.

A RS-232 output provides monitoring or display and is usually onnected to the 

optional Spa Temperature readout device.It is in 1/10 deg F

Diagnostics and LED not part of control

The Low_Pump output goes to the Spa Control unit within the spa enclusure.

This is a discrete IC circuit which operates the pump, light, air and heat relays.

It has interlocks.

The heat relay is located inside the heater enclosure,

It has manual inputs; a 4-Position keyswitch prevents heating in the two counter-clockwise positions.

A push-on - push -ff switch can force the pump to high setting only on the clockwise position of the keyswitch.

The heater can heat only when the heat relay is closed. It also has interlocks. A pressure switch enables heating only 

when the pump is on high speed. There is a mechinical maximum water temperature thermostat 

and an electronic water temperature control which is settable. It has been set to 103 deg F.

There is also a flame detector interlock.

One Picaxe 14M2 failed after hyperterminal was connected.Now I have an adapter which has a switch to disconnect pin 3

6/14/2013 John Saunders:This is the baseline version. With the dial set to 102 it cycles from 100.5 to 101.9.

When the heater starts its control reads 101

Adjustments in temperature because of new sensor in the spa.

Warm-up not needed now.

New Control Logic using only the dial input

6/23/2013 John Saunders: This performs a reset of the heater after 3 unsuccessful attempts to ignite

7/16/2013 Reduced output to permit display of ambient temperature alternately

5/31/2014 Expanded scale: 85-110 dial 90 is 100 deg F, each minor div is 1/10 deg F


#picaxe 14M2

'Input ports

symbol GasValve = PinB.2   'When low gas is flowing in the heater

symbol DS18B20  = B.4      'Has I2C interface: Provides deg Celsius in 1/16 resolution

symbol DialPin  = C.0      '10 K pot from +5V to gnd to control desired temperature

symbol DTRPin   = PinC.3   'Pin 4 on the DA9, Goes HIGH when the computer is connected

'Output ports

symbol LowPump  = B.1       'When high the pump goes to low speed and heater is forced off

   '                   'When low pump goes to high speed and the heater is controlled by its own thermostat

symbol RedLED   = C.1      'Low turns ON All 3 LEDs are in one package and share the ballast

symbol BlueLED  = C.2

symbol GreenLED = C.4        


symbol CelsiusBias = 572    'To get temperature in 1/16 deg celsius from the dial potentiometer

symbol Multiplier  = 18     'To scale the dial pot output

symbol Divisor     = 63      'To scale the dial pot output

symbol Comfort     = 604    'Spa is at a comfortable temperature (100 F)

symbol Hysterisis  = 7      'Range each way from dial setting

symbol MinTemp     = 425    'User intends spa to be off (80 F)

symbol Reheat      = 0

symbol Ignition    = 1

symbol Heating     = 2

symbol Ready       = 3

symbol Ign_fail    = 4

symbol Rst_Htr     = 5

symbol Heat_OK     = 60

symbol Reset_Time  = 25

symbol CycleLimit  = 12        'The number of cycles in a loop

symbol OutputBurst = 4      'The number of outputs per loop


symbol Flowing    = BIT0    'GasValve is LOW, from an optical isolator in the heater enclosure

symbol Heat_Enable= Bit1    'Low_pump is low

symbol Dial     = B1      'Dial Potentiometer 8-bit reading

symbol LEDState   = B2      '1=Red,2=blue,3=green, any other value is all off

symbol Thousands  = B3

symbol Hundreds   = B4

symbol Tens       = B5

symbol Units      = B6

symbol State      = B7        'See State Diagram

symbol Ign_Count  = B8

symbol Flow_Count = B9

symbol Reset_Count= B10

symbol CycleCount = B11        '880 ms cycles to alternate output

symbol Farenheit  = W6      'Conversion for diagnostic outputs only.

symbol MeasTemp   = W7      'Measured DS18B20 output temperature

symbol HighSP     = W8      'Dial pot reading converted to 1/16 deg C temperature plus hysterisis

symbol LowSP      = W9      'Dial pot reading converted to 1/16 deg C temperature minus hysterisis

symbol Scratch    = W10

Init and  Main


rem   Establish the output ports and set the pump to high

GOSUB GetInputs

IF MeasTemp > HighSP THEN

    LET Heat_Enable = 0

    LET State = Ready

    HIGH LowPump


    LET Heat_Enable = 1

    LET State = Reheat

    LOW LowPump

    LET Ign_Count = 0




rem Illuminate the LED according to curret conditions in priority order

IF Flowing = 1 THEN

    LET LEDState = 1 'Red

ELSEIF MeasTemp > Comfort THEN

    LET LEDState = 3 'Green


    LET LEDState = 2 'Blue


rem Spa control logic


    CASE Reheat

        IF Flowing = 1 THEN

            LET Flow_Count = 0

            LET State = Ignition


    CASE Ignition

        INC Flow_Count

        IF Flow_Count > Heat_OK THEN

            LET State = Heating


        IF Flowing = 0 THEN

            LET State = IGN_Fail


    CASE Heating

        IF MeasTemp > HighSP OR Flowing = 0 THEN

            LET Heat_Enable = 0

            LET State = Ready


    CASE Ready

        IF MeasTemp < LowSP THEN Init

    CASE Ign_Fail

        INC Ign_Count

        IF Ign_Count > 2 THEN

            LET Heat_Enable = 0

            LET Reset_Count = 0

            LET State = Rst_Htr


            LET State = Reheat


    CASE Rst_Htr

        INC Reset_Count 

        IF Reset_Count > Reset_Time THEN Init


        GOTO Init


IF Heat_Enable = 1 THEN

    LOW LowPump


    HIGH LowPump



GOSUB Diagnostics

GOSUB GetInputs

GOTO main




READTEMP12 DS18B20,MeasTemp

READADC DialPin,Dial

LET HighSP = Multiplier*Dial/Divisor + CelsiusBias + Hysterisis

LET LowSP = Multiplier*Dial/Divisor + CelsiusBias - Hysterisis

LET Flowing = GasValve ^ 1


Diagnostics:  'Period 880 ms, duration of burst 27.4 ms, idle low, 4800 baud

INC CycleCount

IF CycleCount > CycleLimit THEN

    LET CycleCount = 0


IF CycleCount < OutputBurst THEN

    LET Farenheit = 9*MeasTemp/8 + 320 'in tenths 

    BINTOASCII Farenheit,Scratch,Thousands,Hundreds,Tens,Units

    SERTXD ("Z",Thousands,Hundreds,Tens,".",Units,",",#Flowing,13,10)





    CASE 1

        LOW RedLED

        HIGH BlueLED

        HIGH GreenLED

    CASE 2

        LOW BlueLED

        HIGH RedLED

        HIGH GreenLED

    CASE 3

        LOW GreenLED

        HIGH RedLED

        HIGH BlueLED


        HIGH GreenLED

        HIGH RedLED

        HIGH BlueLED