#rem 6Button-transmitter.bas “Pentagon”
John Saunders 9/2/2022
'Output Ports
symbol TX_Data_Port = B.0 'Idle low serial transmission at 2400 baud
symbol Power_Port = B.3 'Turns on the power using PWM
symbol Sound_Port = B.4 'Makes a beep
'Input Ports, go to 0 on press
symbol Red_Button = PinC.1 'Weight 1 Pin 3 "R"
symbol Green_Button = PinC.2 'Weight 2 Pin 5 "G"
symbol Blue_Button = PinC.4 'Weight 4 Pin 6 "B"
symbol Yellow_Button = PinC.3 'Weight 8 Pin 4 "Y"
symbol White_Button = PinC.0 'Weight 16 Pin 2 "W"
symbol Black_Button = PinB.5 'Weight 32 Pin 1 "K"
symbol scratch = b1
symbol dataAddr = b2
symbol pressVal = b3 'EEPROM address for the control character to be transmitted
symbol Index = b4 'For loop counter
symbol Char = b5 'Character to be transmitted
symbol Out_Alpha = b6
symbol TX_Interval = 500 'Time between transmissions
symbol TX_Preamble = 20 'A long pulse before the serial transmission to trigger an interrupt
symbol TX_Ser_Setup = 10 'Gives time to execute the serial in command in the interrupt procedure
symbol Button_Wait = 400 'Helps to perform double presses
symbol DisplayStartAddr = 20
symbol CommandStartAddr = 40
symbol TxPause = 500
DATA 0,("O","O","I","O","7","C","6") 'First Transmission
DATA 7,("C","D","I","A","m","C","J") 'Second Transmission
DATA DisplayStartAddr,(103,100,102,101,99,69,66)
DATA CommandStartAddr,(71,82,89,87,103,77,57,100,56,75,107,105,102,98,85,83)
SETFREQ m4 'To conserve power
HIGH Power_Port
PWMOUT PWMDIV4,Sound_Port,63,126
LOW TX_Data_Port
PAUSE Button_Wait
LET pressVal = 2*Green_Button + Red_Button
LET pressVal = 4*Blue_Button + pressVal
LET pressVal = 8*Yellow_Button + pressVal
LET pressVal = 16*White_Button + pressVal
LET pressVal = 32*Black_Button + pressVal
IF pressVal < 8 THEN 'A 3-button compatible commend
LET dataAddr = PressVal - 1
READ dataAddr,scratch
IF scratch = "O" THEN 'A display commend
LET Out_Alpha = "O"
LET dataAddr = PressVal + 6
READ dataAddr,char
GOSUB transmit
LET Out_Alpha = " "
LET Char = scratch
GOSUB transmit
LET dataAddr = PressVal + 6
READ dataAddr,Char
GOSUB transmit
LET Index = 100
LOOKDOWN pressVal,(36,12,41,34,33,20,52),Index
IF Index < 100 THEN
LET Out_Alpha = "O"
LET dataAddr = DisplayStartAddr + Index
READ dataAddr,Char
GOSUB transmit
LOOKDOWN pressVal,(48,14,11,42,19,38,32,16,9,8,40,10,49,17,22,21),Index
IF Index < 100 THEN
LET Out_Alpha = " "
LET dataAddr = CommandStartAddr + Index
READ dataAddr,Char
GOSUB transmit
LOW Power_Port
PAUSE 1000
HIGH TX_Data_Port 'This pulse unlocks the receiver by an interrupt via an integrator
PAUSE TX_Preamble
LOW TX_Data_Port
PAUSE TX_Ser_Setup
SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,("14L1776") 'This preamble locks out other transmissions
IF Out_Alpha = "O" THEN
SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,("O",",")
SEROUT TX_Data_Port,N2400_4,(Char,13,10)