This receives 433 MHz messages and resends them via Bluetooth

There are four modules, from left to right:

1. A programming adapter from USB to Serial.

2. An Arduino Mini Controller. 

3. A Bluetooth transmitterwith a Serial input. See how to use here.

4, A receiver module described separately see button.

It worked, but the bluetooth range was disappointing,

Bluetooth Re-transmitter Transmitter Sketch

Definitions and Declarations

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

#define fldLenMax 7

#define msgNum 6

#define fldsNum 24

#define picRx   2

#define CTS  4

#define blueLED  5

#define greenLED  6

#define btTxd 12

#define btRxd A0

#define btEn A1

#define btState 13

SoftwareSerial picaxeLink (picRx, CTS);

// SoftwareSerial btLink (btRxd, btTxd);

struct msg_t {

  char keyCode;

  uint8_t fldQty;

  uint8_t period;        // in seconds

  uint8_t age;           // in periods

  uint32_t prevMillis;   // in milliseconds


msg_t msgs[msgNum] = {

  {'t', 4, 62, 0, 0},  {'s', 4, 74, 0, 0},  {'r', 4, 74, 0, 0},  {'n', 3, 153, 0, 0},  {'z', 2, 153, 0, 0},  {'u', 4, 255, 0, 0}


struct fld_t {

  char fldData[fldLenMax];

  uint8_t len;

  uint8_t areaInx;

  uint8_t typeInx;

  uint8_t unitsInx;

  byte dp;       //Decimal Point: 0 = none, 1 = after 1 digit , 2 = after 2 digits, etc


const char*titles[] = {

  " ",     ":",     "/",     "%",     "MA",     "V",    "`F", "inHg",    "MAH",     "Kohm",                    //  0 -  9

  "p", "own", "door is ", "fan is ",  "ot", "unning", "topped", "Outside", "Garage", "Air Quality",          // 10 - 19

  "Inside", "Temperature = ", "Humidity = ", "Solar", "Current = ", "Battery = ", "Barometric Pressure = ",    // 20 - 26                                       // 20 - 24

  "Charging = ", "Previous = ", "level = ", "High = ", "Low = ", "Light = ", "\n\r",  "          ",            // 27 - 34

  "Daily = ",  ",\t", "29.", "30.", "Status", "Network", "is", "ool", "Environment", "  -----------  ",          // 35 - 44


fld_t flds[fldsNum] = {

  //t          Month             Date                         Hour                Minute                        // 0 - 3

  {"11", 2, 255, 255, 2, 0}, {"06", 2, 255, 255, 0, 0}, {"19", 2, 255, 255, 1, 0}, {"07", 2, 255, 255, 255, 0},

  //s Outside Temperature      Humidity             Solar Current         Battery Voltage                       // 4 - 7

  {"063", 3, 17, 21, 6, 0}, {"064", 3, 17, 22, 3, 0}, {"001", 3 , 23, 24, 4, 0}, {"538", 4, 17, 25, 5, 1},

  //r Barometric Pressure    Charging Voltage     Current charge for day    Yesterday's charge                  // 8 - 11

  {"006", 3, 26, 37, 7, 0}, {"049", 4, 23, 27, 5, 2}, {"0369", 4, 23, 35, 8, 0}, {"0402", 4, 23, 28, 8, 0},

  //n Air Quality Alarm           High Reading               Low Reading                     ageing & last     // 12 - 15

  {"A", 1, 19, 29, 255, 0}, {"09.847", 6, 19, 31, 9, 0}, {"09.066", 6, 19, 30, 9,  0}, {" ", 1, 255, 255, 255, 0},

  //z   Inside Temperature          Inside Light                 begin heading               end heading       // 16 - 19

  {"0087.8", 6, 20, 21, 6, 0}, {"00265", 5, 20, 32, 255,  0}, {" ", 1, 255, 255, 34, 0}, {" ", 1, 34, 255, 255, 0},

  //u Garage Temperature    Garage Door Status    Garage temp Status    Garage Fan Status                       // 20 - 23

  {"078", 3, 18, 21, 6, 0}, {"D", 1, 18, 12, 10, 0}, {"H", 1, 18, 21, 14, 0}, {"S", 1, 18, 13, 15, 0}


const uint8_t outputs[] = {


  133, 144, 143, 144, 133, 4, 136, 16, 133, 8, 136, 5, 133, 17, 136, 20, 133,  13, 136, 14, 133,

  // Status

  144, 139, 144, 133, 21, 133, 22, 136, 23, 133, 6, 136, 9, 133, 10, 136, 11, 133, 7, 133,

  // Time and Date

  144, 0, 1, 2, 3, 144, 133,

  // Ageing



byte newMsgFlag;

char keyCode;

uint32_t currMillis;

Setup and Loop

void setup() {

  pinMode(picRx, INPUT);

  pinMode(CTS, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(blueLED, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(btRxd, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(btEn, OUTPUT);



  digitalWrite(CTS, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(btEn, LOW);


 // btLink.begin(9600);


  newMsgFlag = 0;


  currMillis = millis();

  for (int i = 0; i < msgNum; i++) {

    msgs[i].prevMillis = currMillis;


  if (picaxeLink.isListening() == true) {

    Serial.print("RxPin ");

    Serial.print(picRx, DEC);

    Serial.println("=OK   ");



void loop() {

  char picChar;

  byte rxCount;

  byte msgInx;

  byte fldInx;

  byte fldCnt;

  byte stoInx;

  byte outsInx;

  byte titleInx;

  uint16_t ageGap;

  while (picaxeLink.available() > 0)  {

    picChar =;

    digitalWrite(blueLED, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(CTS, LOW);

    if (picChar == '>') {

      digitalWrite(CTS, HIGH);

      digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);


    if (picChar == '<') {

      rxCount = 0;


    if (rxCount == 1) {

      keyCode = picChar;

      msgInx = getMsgInx(keyCode);

      fldCnt = 0;

      stoInx = 0;

      if (keyCode == 't') {

        newMsgFlag = 1;


      currMillis = millis();

      ageGap = (currMillis - msgs[msgInx].prevMillis) / 1000;

      msgs[msgInx].age = ageGap / msgs[msgInx].period;

      msgs[msgInx].prevMillis = currMillis;


    if (rxCount > 2) {

      fldInx = (4 * msgInx) + fldCnt;

      if ((stoInx == flds[fldInx].dp) && (flds[fldInx].dp > 0)) {

        flds[fldInx].fldData[stoInx++] = '.';


      if ((picChar > 44)  && (stoInx < flds[fldInx].len)) {

        flds[fldInx].fldData[stoInx++] = picChar;


      if (picChar == 44) {


        stoInx = 0;



    if (rxCount < 97) {




  if (newMsgFlag == 1) {

    newMsgFlag = 0;





    outsInx = 0;


       Serial.write(27);         // does not work




    do {

      if (outputs[outsInx] >= 100) {

        titleInx = outputs[outsInx] - 100;



      else {

        fldInx = outputs[outsInx];

        titleInx = flds[fldInx].areaInx;

        if (titleInx < 255) {


          Serial.print(' ');


        titleInx = flds[fldInx].typeInx;

        if (titleInx < 255) {




        if (flds[fldInx].len > 1) {

          Serial.print(" ");


        titleInx = flds[fldInx].unitsInx;

        if (titleInx < 255) {






    } while (outputs[outsInx] != 15);









byte getMsgInx(char code) {

  int inx;

  for (inx = 0; inx < msgNum; inx++) {

    if (msgs[inx].keyCode == code) break;


  return (inx);


void editPressure(void) {

  if (flds[8].fldData[0] > 53) {

    flds[8].typeInx = 37;


  else {

    flds[8].typeInx = 38;



void editGarageDoor(void) {

  if (flds[21].fldData[0] == 68) {

    flds[21].unitsInx = 11;


  else {

    flds[21].unitsInx = 10;



void editGarageTemp(void) {

  if (flds[22].fldData[0] == 67) {

    flds[22].unitsInx = 42;


  else {

    flds[22].unitsInx = 14;



void editGarageFan(void) {

  if (flds[23].fldData[0] == 84) {

    flds[23].unitsInx = 15;


  else {

    flds[23].unitsInx = 16;



void dispAgeing(char code) {

  int index = getMsgInx(code);

  int age = msgs[index].age;

  if (msgs[index].age > 0) {

    Serial.print("Message ");


    Serial.print(" was last upated ");

    Serial.print(age, DEC);

    Serial.println(" periods ago");

